XXXI Balkan Olympiad in Informatics 2024

Ohrid, Macedonia   |   September 20th - 26th 2024




 Chairman of BOI 2024

  • Mile Jovanov, President of Computer Society of Macedonia


Organizing Committee

  • Emil Stankov, CSM / FCSE, UKIM
  • Vlatko Spasev,  FCSE, UKIM
  • Petar Kovachovski, CS of Macedonia
  • Andrej Shekerov,  CS of Macedonia
  • Ivan Zanov,  CS of Macedonia
  • Anita Atanasova - Grchev, Bright Minds Macedonia


Scientific Committee


Technical Committee

  • Vladislav Bidikov (President), FCSE, UKIM

About BOI

The Balkan Olympiad in Informatics is a programming contest for high school students from countries around or close to the Balkan Peninsula. Each participating country sends a team of 4 contestants, selected by their national olympiads or contests.